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The Solemnity of Immaculate Conception and
Original Statue of Naju Mary enshriend in the Chapel (The Vigil)
14:00 The pilgrims will gather in the Blessed Mother’s Mountain.
14:30 Preparations before the prayer such as individual prayer, confession,
and taking a shower with the Water of the Blessed Mother of Naju.
15:00 The Stations of the Cross will be started at the Adoration chapel,
and foreign would have special chance to carry the Cross.
16:30 Pilgrims reach to the Mt. Calvary and individual praying time under
the Crucifix one by one in turn.
17:00 Free time and dinner here, and pilgrims may prepare the flowers
and candle so as to Offer them to Our Lord and the Blessed Mother.
19:00 The Vigil is began Offering the candles and flowers- Julia Kim receive
and offer them up to the Our Lord and the Blessed Mother by praying
for our sake.
19:30 The Eucharistic Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament
20:00 Visionary Julia Kim who is a victim soul and the Apostle of the Lord
and the Blessed Mother of Naju giving us her living testimony and many of
pilgrims are being healed by her healing prayers during this overnight prayer
22:00 Intermission
22:40The Candlelight rosary procession along with the way of the Cross-Mt.
Calvary-Adoration chapel.
23:40 Break time and preparation of the Mass
24:00 Holy mass celebrated by Fr. Francis Su or Fr. Aloysius Chang
02:00 Sharing of graces given by Our Lord and the Blessed Mother’s Naju
during the pilgrimages or more about their experiences.
03:30 Meeting is over and all the pilgrims make line up and Julia Kim praying each
one of pilgrims one by one in the face of her extreme suffering while
she graciously offering all kinds of painful suffering for our spiritual
and physical healing sake
05:00The vigil is completely finished - it depends on the number of pilgrims.
Thank you so much and Our Lord and the Blessed Mother of Naju surely
comforted as least tonight by little our sinners’ sacrifices and Julia Kim’s redemptive sufferings.
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